Konnichiwa everyone! That's hello in Japanese, by the way ;)
Are you a fan of all things kawaii (''cute'' in Japanese)?? If yes, well I know the perfect box for you. If you're not a fan, well, you will become one. Yes, because nobody can resist the cuteness of kawaii! I like kawaii things, my mother likes kawaii things and my cousin's baby loves kawaii things. In fact, I think Kawaii Box is for all ages and it makes everyone smile! So, what is Kawaii Box?
Kawaii Box (www.kawaiibox.com) is a monthly subscription box that contains from 10 - 12 handpicked, Japanese and Korean, kawaii products (from useful stationery, to delicious snacks, to adorable accessories and more!). What I like best about this box (apart from its super fun contents), is the surprise factor. Each month, you don't know what you'll be getting. You do know however that you'll be getting something (10 - 12 things to be precise, that are) very kawaii!
There are different subscription plans (click here for more details) at great prices and Kawaii Box offers free worldwide shipping! They always send a tracking number and I have to say that I received my box really quickly even though I'm all the way in Italy. Now, let me show you my July 2016 Kawaii Box:
There's a little card with a list of everything in the box (in case you don't read Japanese or Korean!). July's Kawaii Box contains 11 items:
Let's take a closer look at each item:
1.) Fruit Day Card Case (So useful and SO cute! Y'all know how I love pineapples! I know where I'll be keeping my business cards from now on.)
2.) Doodle Gel Pen (Yes, there are cacti all over this pen!!! <3)
3.) Jewelry Seal Deco Stickers (to beautify your boxes, mirrors etc.) I'm gonna stick a few of these on my cell phone's cover, just because!
4.) Hearts & Bows Stickers. These are almost too kawaii too use! I think I'll be sticking these on birthday cards and letters :)
5.) Tohato Caramel Corn. These are Japanese corn and peanut puffs, with added caramel paste. So oishii -yummy!
6.) Coris Soft Candy Stick - chewy, cola flavored, Japanese candy.
Needless to say, I love this too ;)
7.) Kawaii Comb (I'm gonna be using this one a lot. It'll easily fit in my bag and it's perfect for creating my bumper bangs!)
8.) Cute Animal Pill Case. While travelling, going around with huge bottles isn't ideal so this is also very useful. As you can see, there are four compartments:
9.) Kawaii Jump Rope (Holy Smoke! If this isn't incentive to get you jumpin'......;))
10.) Round Neko Plush Charm (extremely soft!! You can hang this around your bag. I'm keeping it far away from my chihuahua!)
11.) Pusheen Sleep Mask. Velvety! I've always needed one of these; might even use it on a plane next time I travel!
I think it's pretty obvious that I am very happy with my Kawaii Box =)
My little Rocky was equally impressed and tried to snitch my kawaii goodies:
Konnichiwa a tutti! Vi ricordate i miei post precedenti di Kawaii Box??
Kawaii Box (www.kawaiibox.com) è un servizio in abbonamento che spedisce una volta al mese, una scatola strapiena di oggetti, accessori e merendine giapponesi e koreani. Come avete visto, la mia box di luglio non mi ha deluso per niente! :) Se volete vincere un Kawaii Box tutto vostro, entra nel gadget in basso, inserendo la tua e-mail o facendo il log-in tramite Facebook. Questo gadget poi scegliere a caso un vincitore/una vincitrice che verra contatto/a con la notizia kawaii! Il termine ultimo è fra 20 giorni, da oggi. Fatemi sapere se avete partecipato in un commento sotto questo post! Buona e Kawaii Fortuna!
A box full of super fun and cute items, excellent service, quick shipping.....I can only highly recommend Kawaii Box. To further show you what a lovely company Kawaii Box is, I'm hosting an international giveaway with them, on my blog! If you'd like to win a Kawaii Box, log in the below rafflecopter gadget by inserting your e-mail address or via Facebook. The winner will be chosen randomly and contacted by Kawaii Box and me in 20 days! Let me know if you entered in a comment below this post. Wishing you lotsa kawaii luck!