Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Viva la pasta!

Spaghetti and meatballs is one of my favorite dishes. 
Which is your favorite pasta dish??

With amore, 
Spaghetti Pin Up

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Rockin' New Year

Happy New Year guys and dolls!
How did you celebrate? I sure ate a lot.
Then I sang a few tunes and played my beloved Elvis records.
This is what I wore on New Year's Eve:
Buon Anno a tutti!
Come avete festeggiato?? Io ho mangiato e mangiato.
Poi ho messo i dischi del mio cantante preferito ;)
Ecco come mi sono vestita la vigilia di Capodanno:
A ''resting'' pose. Swinging them arms and legs around is hard work, you know!

Here's to a rockin' 2016!